Womens Beauty of Being Retreat Summer 2019


As the moon waxes and wanes and the seasons cycle,
women continue to gather, in sacred circles,
to harness the beauty of simply being, in tune,
with our great mother, Earth.

Summer is a time of full bloom, of ripening, and honoring our internal/external richness.
The Sun is close and his radiant warmth has the Earth shining in her fullness.
The light in us is strong.
We begin to witness our dream seeds growing and bursting with sweetness and nourishment.
We are in a time of celebration of the miracles of the seasons, the reasons and the lifetimes,
that bring us together in this sacred way.

 Join us for this seasonal journey,
to continue the deepening and strengthening
of our personal work with
the Elemental and Plant Teachers 

5 Night Women’s Medicine Retreat
Wadeville, NSW, Australia
February 20-25th, 2019
2pm Wednesday – Midday Monday
$1000 early bird  (deposit paid by 31/1/2019)
$1200 there after
Payment options available
Maximum 10 participants 

This work is very personal, however it has the ability to powerfully transform and uplift the collective earth frequency
Our group intention is simply to be present, to be grounded
to give thanks, to open, to purify and to bask
in the beauty of ‘being’.
Your personal intention will shape what emerges for you,
as the Alchemy of Women and the Power of the Plants and Elements meet
in the Temple of the Heart to reveal the mirror
of our soul secrets and songs.  
You will be held, seen, heard, encouraged, moved, melted, challenged, supported
and grown in ways that you may not even be able to imagine.
The ripple effects of this work lasts many moons
and we are with you all the way.

We will experience….

Agni Fire Cleansing Ceremony
Medicinal Flower Baths
2 Power Plant Healing Meditations
Creative Integrative Processes
Meditation, Mantra, Movement & Music
Nourishing Vegetarian Meals

Time to rest & sync deep into your connection with your feminine nature
in a sanctuary of sisters,
whilst nestled on a mountain top retreat haven

A deposit of $200 will secure your space and is
symbolic of your commitment to be present
Deposits are non-refundable, unless your place is filled,
so please tune in with care and consideration
when making your pledge to be present.

Deposit into:
Our Visionary WellBeing Foundation
BSB 032539
Acct no 441017
Description ‘full name summer’
Please email me to notify me of your payment.

Once I have received your deposit, all the essential information regarding preparation,
what to bring and directions will be provided. 
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate
to contact Mele at melemaima@gmail.com

This event is private and by invite only.
Please keep this close to your heart and
do not forward this email to anyone.
If you wish to introduce someone to the circle,
then please write to me with their contact details
and a brief intro about them.
Please ask that they honour this discretion also.
Be mindful of your language and always refer
to these gatherings as meditations.
Thank you for your understanding.

– About Us – 

Mel has dedicated her life to the study and practice of the Healing Arts. She is a qualified Naturopath and Transpersonal Art Therapist, and has worked with Power Plants, Maestros and Medicine Carriers for over a decade, in Australia and South America. She is a Mother, devoted to Nature, Womens’ Mysteries and Healing Crafts. She weaves the teachings of different linages and traditions, with her own personal connection and guidance directly from the Plant Spirits. Utilising a range of modalities, she employs the healing intelligence of the elements, sacred songs, instruments, movement, prayer, meditation, crystals, essences, and arts, to provide timeless, essential nourishment for the heart, body, mind and soul. She is passionate about empowering others to access their own infinite source of creativity, health and well being.
‘Having spent the past year immersed in Motherhood, I am very much looking forward to sharing this work again, with the Women that spirit calls together’. To view more of Mel’s work, or to subscribe for information on upcoming events visit www.ourvisionarywellbeing.org

Chloe is devoted to the healing path and all that it entails. She has spent most of her life deeply exploring many different territories and modalities and is particularly interested in how different cultures view and approach healing. She is also thoroughly engrossed in studying the human psyche and its potential in different states of consciousness – she majored in psychology, is soon to be a Transpersonal Counsellor and is now diving deeper in a Bachelor of Integrative Psychotherapy – and is wholeheartedly committed to the integration of mind, body, spirit and soul. For 2 years she lived and worked as a group facilitator and yoga teacher in the Amazon Jungle of Peru at the Temple of the Way of Light: a Traditional Plant medicine healing centre that works with indigenous Peruvian Shipibo Maestros. There she was dedicated to integrating plant medicine work with other practices such as yoga, meditation and various self-inquiry, embodiment and process work. She is also currently immersed in learning the ways of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path through the work of Red Lodge. Chloe is deeply passionate about lovingly supporting people to heal (bring into wholeness) their wounds, become anchored in their soul purpose and awaken their empowered creativity. 

Spiral is a Doula, supporting women through birth and beyond, A Transpersonal Art Therapist and Hawaiian Shamanic Bodyworker. Spiral runs Women’s circles and Sacred Song circles in Sydney and is passionate about Women’s Health, creative exploration and sunshine on the naked body. She has been listening to and learning from various Plant Medicines for the last 6.5 years and has spent the last 15 years learning various healing arts and modalities and exploring her own self development and unfurling growth.

Bianca, aka “the singing chef”, is a passionate homemaker, and one of her loves is growing food on her family farm and turning it into nourishing meals that inspire wellness and connection to the wisdom of nature. Her italian ancestory inspires her cooking as well as her flare for performance, and every meal is sung to life while she humms away in her happy place, the kitchen.

Amrita is a dedicated Earthmama, garden faery, mermaid at heart! She has spent 7 years living deep in the Ozzie forest in a meditation community where she learnt to drop societies conditionings, learnt how to feel, how to cry, how to HUG! There she dedicated a lot of her time to working on the land, growing food, and working on herself in meditation, silence, catharsis, exploring relating, learning (often the hard way) what truely is love.
Dying and being reborn, to a woman who is eternally committed to live this life to the full, as a loving, open, mindful and sensitive being. Human, humble to this path of living with deep compassion and understanding that we are all one on this journey. She began her connection with the sacred plant spirits 4 years ago, and has deeply immersed in this incredible work, with gratitude & celebration, and always forgets until in the presence of just the sisters how powerful and healing it is when we come together.

This is a private invitation only gathering.
Be discrete with what you say to who,
remember that this is a private gathering
with invited friends only. 
Thank you for your respect.

No consent is given to pass this on to anyone else.


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