
Favourite Music – Peia – Machi Ma

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Sep 092014

Peia is a vocalist, composer and Sacred Song preserver of traditions that span across the globe. She has traveled extensively and studied from the rich lineages of Medieval Chant, Bulgarian and Celtic Folk Music, Indian Classical Raga and Medicine songs from the Native peoples of North and South America. more….

Machi Ma

Blessed We Are

 Posted by at 1:14 pm

Favourite Music – Souad Massi – Deb (Heartbroken)

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Aug 032014

Sensational Algerian vocalist Souad Massi and amazing instrumentalists with the song “Deb” (Heartbroken).

The translated lyrics are divine…:

Deb (Heartbroken)

If I were a bird I would fly in the sky
If I were a little bird or a little pigeon
I would travel over mountains and rivers
Maybe, in this very moment,
I’d manage to forget
My pains
My heart has molten away
My heart, that one of mine

If I were a wave wandering from sea to sea
If I were a fish  I’d keep on traveling
I would travel over mountains and rivers
Maybe in this very moment
I’d manage to forget
My pains
My heart has molten away
My heart, that one of mine

If I were a leaf wandering from one place to another
I let myself be carried away by the wind before the fall,
I leave this garden
I would travel over mountains and rivers
Maybe, in this very moment,
I’d manage to forget
My pains
My heart has molten away
My heart, that one of mine

About Souad Massi (سعاد ماسي), born August 23, 1972, is an Algerian singer, songwriter and guitarist. She began her career performing in the Kabyle political rock band Atakor, before leaving the country following a series of death threats. In 1999, Massi performed at theFemmes d’Algerie concert in Paris, which led to a recording contract with Island Records.

Massi’s music, which prominently features the acoustic guitar, displays Western musical style influences such as rock, country or the Portuguese fado but sometimes incorporates oriental musical influences and oriental instruments like the oud as well as African musical stylings. Massi sings in Algerian Arabic, French, and occasionally English and Kabyle (Berber language), often employing multiple languages in the same song

source: wikipedia- click for more

 Posted by at 12:14 pm
Jan 212014

This is a tasty and grounding soup that we serve up after a Healing Meditation.

It assists with the integration and a good sleep by restoring valuable nutrients and trace minerals back into the body.

Here we go…


  • Leek (1) or Eschallot (Spring Onion) bulbs (1 bunch)
  • Seeds – (whole) Mustard, Coriander, Cumin
  • Coconut Oil (organic)
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Swedes
  • Parsnips
  • Pumpkin
  • Himilayan Salt or Celtic Sea Salt
  • organic corn kernels

Notes: coconut cream, garlic, tomatoes and red chilli paste have been removed from the recipe as these were causing acidity and food tolerance issues for some people.
A great addition to the recipe is organic corn kernels!


Chop leeks.

Put soup pot on heat, add coconut oil to cover the bottom.


Add chopped leeks and stir into the hot coconut oil

Add mustard, coriander and cumin seeds and stir in.

IMG_1512  IMG_1513

Put the pot lid on to keep the juices sweating.

After a couple of minutes, stir the Leeks till they are turning clear and  brown (caramelising)

Add a 1/2 cup of boiled water to take up the juices, add a tspn of ground Rock Salt.

This is your stock… put the lid back on, and lower the heat.
(Check every few minutes to make sure it is not catching on the bottom, add more boiled water as needed).

Now add the cut root veges in any order, and cover to two thirds with boiled water.

Stir all ingredients in.

IMG_1518  IMG_1517

IMG_1519   IMG_1516

Put lid back on pot and adjust heat to gentle boil.

Check every few minutes to stir and make sure it is not catching on the bottom.

Add more water to reach desired consistency.

That is it… add more Himalayan Salt to taste

Serve with toasted Slow Ferment Bread and/or Organic Corn Chips.


Nov 282013

Ho’oponopono has a lot to do with the sanity of forgiveness, and the wholesome practice of approaching the world through love.

frnaj flowers

The Way of Bold Healing: The Four Phrases of Ho’oponopono in Practice
By Adam J. Pearson

What is Ho’oponopono?
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian art of healing, which grew as a social practice, a way of healing rifts between people, families and groups. However, Dr. Hew Len and his teacher Mornah extended it into an inner practice to do as individuals, a technique for working with whatever we encounter in daily life. For Dr. Hew Len, ho’oponopono is a way of “cleaning” or “clearing” conditioning and unconscious ‘programs’ (learned tendencies to think, feel, act, and react in certain ways) that we have accumulated over the years so that they no longer run our lives.

According to this viewpoint, we take responsibility for everything that appears in our life simply because it arises in our life. We don’t feel guilty and self-punishing for everything; rather, we recognize the destructive conditioning that plays itself out both in our own body-minds and those of others. From this point of view, if we are encountering violence and anger in others, there must be something in us that reflects these tendencies. In fact, from this perspective, the ‘external world’ and the ‘inner world’ of thoughts, memories and feeligns are not separate; they are totally united, seamlessly one.

Whatever we see outside of our bodies is still within us from this point of view. And because it is happening or coming up within us, we need to work with it. We work with it by doing the cleaning, that is, working through the programs and conditioning so that they can be released. This process of ‘working through’ is the essence of ho’oponopono practice; at its core, it remains a practice of healing, which operates on the universe seen as being not outside of us, but inside of us.

Because we see everything as being in some sense within us, we can do this practice as much on the actions of other people as on our own actions, as much on their patterns of reaction as on our own. We can do it on events happening thousands of miles away from where we live, or emotional patterns playing themselves out right here, within us. It includes everything and excludes nothing; absolutely everything can be a focus of ho’oponopono practice.

Zero: The Goal of Ho’oponopono Practice
The goal of this practice is to return to what Dr. Hew Len calls the state of ‘zero.’ At zero, memory is not running us; conditioning is not possessing us like a demon and making us act in certain ways while we mistakenly feel we are choosing these actions freely. Zero is a state free of conditioned responses, when we can just be at peace with whatever we encounter. We return to zero by means of the practice of ho’oponopono, a word which means ‘to make right.’ At zero, thought, conditioning, and memory are not restricting us. There are no conditioning factors, no conceptual limitations. Instead, we become aware of a deep sense of peace and a heart-opening love without object or clinging, which gradullay replaces the neurotic, self-destructive, suffering-ridden life we had lived before.

This is a transformative practice; it works on all levels of our being. As we work on ourselves, we work on the world; as we work on the world, we work on ourselves. This is a powerfully holistic view of the universe and of existence in which the ‘inner’ impacts the ‘outer’ and the ‘outer’ impacts the ‘inner.’

Cleaning Conditioning with The Four Phrases
While Dr. Hew Len offers many methods of ‘cleaning’ for working with this conditioning that is pervasively present within us, the one that I have found most powerful and helpful is the practice of the ‘four phrases.’ The four phrases are: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you, and I love you. To do the practice, we can take anything as a focus. We can use an emotion, a tendency towards certain kinds of action (like impulsive buys or self-blame), a person, a place, an event, anything. We then formulate statements about them using the four phrases as guidance.

We think mentally:
“I’m sorry that __________.”
Then “Please forgive me for ____________.”
Then “Thank you for ___________”
and always end with “I love you.”

We offer our love both to the focus of the practice and to greater ‘something’ beyond. Dr. Hew Len calls it “the Divine.” I prefer to leave this greater something unnamed, a mystery unfathomable and unclassifiable by the mind. Indeed, I don’t worry about it. I just do the practice, trusting that it will bring gratitude, peace, deeper love, and appreciation for life. So far, it has never failed to yield these fruits.

Examples of the Four Phrases in Practice
Let us look at some examples of what the four phrases look like in practice.
I noticed that I tend to compare myself with other people a lot and that this makes me feel temporarily better or worse about myself, but ultimately doesn’t make me any happier.

I then ran the four phrases for this tendency.
I focused on the tendency, said these words, and turned love rather than resistance on to it.

This is what I said to myself inwardly: ”
I’m sorry for the movement to compare myself to others and find myself lacking and inadequate. I’m sorry for punishing myself when I find myself ‘less good.’
Please forgive me for taking these mind-concocted stories for realities.
Thank you for revealing that these value judgments only have meaning in the mind and not in the world beyond it.
Thank you for revealing that when I obsessively compare myself to others and find myself either lacking or ‘better than’ them, this is only the movement of my subconscious trying to feel good enough and yearning to be loved.
Please forgive me for not being caring and compassionate to this inner child and for denying these tendencies rather than accepting and embracing them. Body, mind, heart, and being, I see you as you are, dropping all stories, and I tell you this with all the sincerity I can muster: I love you. ”

A woman ran the four phrases on the violence she observed around her.
Inwardly, she said:
“I am sorry war, forgive me for all unconsciousness ways i contribute to violence, oppression and ignorance.
Thank you for bringing my attention to the impulse to fight, and to re-examine if it actually works, I love you.
Thank you to the sadness that arises when I see such violence, for reminding me to care and love.
Forgive me, I love you earth, despite all the cruely, I love you humans, thank you.”

Looking to my tendency to laugh at other people for my own amusement, I ran the four phrases:
“I’m sorry for laughing at people rather than with them.
Please forgive me for making myself feel like I’m better than others by belittling them through my cynical laughter.
Thank you for opening my eyes to the motivations underneath this loveless laughter so that it can be transmuted into something greater. I love you.”

After talking to someone who said they felt like they had to hold back expressing themselves in fear of how others would judge them, I inwardly worked on the four phrases, thinking:
“I’m sorry for whatever it is in me that has given rise to these feelings that you must hold back and fear the judgment of others in you.
Please forgive me for whatever I have done to contribute to the problem and not be part of the solution.
Thank you for the beauty that you share and the wonders you are.
I love you.”

Feeling shame for her sexual desires, one women ran the four phrases, saying inside herself:
“I’m sorry I put shame on myself for natural impulses that are built into the human form.
Please forgive me, body and brain for my aggressive authoritarian approaches to your reflexes.”

After feeling insecure about blemishes on my face, I ran the four phrases on that feeling and judgment:
“Dear face, I’m sorry I often look at you and think you are ugly and that your pimples ruin your whole appearance.
Please forgive me for devaluing you and making myself feel unattractive and consequently, insecure in the process.
Thank you for allowing me to express emotion to the world and forcing me to be honest by betraying the lies I speak with my tongue. I love you.”

A woman noticed herself needing people to see they were wrong before she could forgive them.
She worked the four phrases on them, saying inwardly:
“I’m sorry I feel the need to get people to see the error of their ways before I can forgive them.
I’m sorry that my need to forgive people is selfishly motivated; to remove my own discomfort without addressing the reason, within myself, for the said discomfort.
Forgive me, Thank you, I love you.”

A man noticed himself trying to fix everyone around them.
He ran the four phrases on this pattern of action, saying:
“I’m sorry friends and family for trying to fix you, please forgive me. I love and accept you just as you are.
Thank you for existing. Sorry ego, for thinking that unless you’re perfect then I am unworthy.
I forgive you your flaws before I try and change you.”

A man noticed himself resisting those he felt to be judgemental around him. He worked the four phrases on this resistance, thinking:
“I’m sorry I feel hurt and distain when I hear people being judgmental.
I guess this is something I don’t like about myself either and so I keep it hidden from myself, and others.
Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.”

Thinking about the Japanese fishermen who were slaughtering many dolphin in Japan, a woman ran the phrases not only on their killing, but also on them and the reactions they were experiencing as a result of their actions, saying:
“I am sorry, I am sure you are doing the best that you can.
I am sure it isn’t easy to feel all the hatred being directed towards you right now.
Please forgive me for anyway i have contributed to your discomfort.
I am sorry that my love and deep connection to the dolphins make me go into a feeling of a protective momma bear, forgive me for any blind rage that has been directed towards you. A mother would throw herself in front of a car for her child, and some people on earth feel that dolphins are equivalent to their children. We don’t mean you any harm, and we don’t want to threaten your livelihood and cause you damage, or threaten your ability to take care of your children; we just love our babies so much. Thank you for this opportunity to bring awareness to the issue so that humanity can evolve and grow and find some maturity amidst all the chaos. I do love you, and appreciate that you are doing the very best you can, please find it within you to stop the killing, and find another way, I am so sure there is another way.
Thank you for the ability to listen to your heart, thank you to the creative genius that is working out a solution this very moment. I love you.”

This same woman ran the phrases from a different perspective:
“I am so sorry dolphins. We should be evolved enough to treat you with the respect and dignity that you deserve.
I am sorry for all the ways I am not evolved, forgive me for all the ways that I could grow and my stubbornness blocks it.
Forgive me for all the ways I resist learning something new becasue my cultural conditioning and old data play so powerfully in my thoughts, words and actions.  I am sorry for all the ways I am unconscious.
Thank you Japan for showing me how much work there is to be done, thank you for the opportunity to raise above this, and open the heart even more.  I love you humanity, I love you Japan, I love you dolphins.”

A man noticed his tendency to judge his body in ways that made him suffer and he worked the four phrases on them:
“Dear body, I’m sorry I often look at you and think you are too thin and not muscular enough.
Please forgive me for devaluing you and making myself feel unnatractive and consequently, insecure in the process.
Thank you for grounding me in the world, carrying me through life, enabling me to do many amazing things, and being the support and basis of my life. I love you.”

A woman noticed she was feeling guilt and saw it in a new light. She worked with the four phrases from this new perspective, saying inwardly:
“Dear guilt: I am sorry for the assumption that you are a ‘bad thing,’ please forgive me for rejecting your gifts.
Thank you for teaching me compassion, empathy and consideration. I love you.”

Another lady noticed herself feeling resistance when her parents would ‘meddle’ in her affairs.
She worked with the four phrases on this feeling:
“I am sorry, please forgive me for feeling anger towards my parents when they try to involve themselves in my affairs.
Although this translates to ‘interference’ in my mind, they are only trying to help. If they carry fear and attachment to my success this is their own burden to carry.
I release them of my resentment and bitterness.
Thank you for this mirror, an opportunity to become conscious of my own issues so that I will no longer reject feelings of helplessness, dependency, defectiveness and inadequacy. I love you so much.”

The Fruits of the Four Phrases
Regularly working with the four phrases has some remarkable benefits that I have observed in my own life.

The “I’m sorry” phrase encourages us to take responsibility and to own up to what we are doing rather than to deny or seek to avoid it. We own our actions, our feelings, our thoughts, and everything we encounter, however unpleasant, violent, or suffering-imbued it may be.

The “Please forgive me” phrase encourages us to develop an informed sense of forgiveness. About this phrase, Dr. Hew Len used to say: “You don’t say “Forgive me” because the Divine needs to forgive you. You say it because you need to hear it.” As we learn to open up the heart in forgiveness, we get this forgiveness we seek. It comes with the practice.

The “Thank you” phrase encourages us to be grateful and to look for the benefits hiding beneath the apparent bad fortune and unpleasantness we encounter in daily life. It encourages us to be appreciative and grateful and these feelings bleed out into our daily life. We tend to be happier and feel more fulfilled as a result.

Moreover, the “I love you” phrase has the effect of opening our hearts. We often tend to close ourselves off from others and from our own feelings in order to try to avoid getting hurt. This is not a fault, it is an innocent mistake, a defense mechanism. Our inner child, the unconscious, makes this mistake only because it wants what is best for us and simply doesn’t know any other better way to go about achieving it. The “I love you” phrase works through this. It fosters acceptance, open-heartedness, love, caring, and empathy. It is a powerful phrase indeed. The more we say “I love you,” even if we don’t feel it at first, the more loving we eventually end up becoming. It has a hypnotic, subconscious effect that produces conscious results.

Together, these four phrases have a healing effect.
They heal and release those things the Buddha called the Three Poisons: clinging, aversion, and self-delusion.
The Buddha saw these as causes of suffering.
The four phrases give us an easy, beneficial way of working with these causes of suffering so they gradually release their hold on us. As a result, our suffering begins to diminish, and we begin to feel happier and more whole within ourselves.
As we work on our suffering and the suffering of the world, we bring suffering not only to our own life, but to the lives of those around us.

The phrases also encourage us to be more mindful in daily life, to pay closer attention, and end up releasing us from patterns of conditioning, subconscious programs, and learned data that tend to take us over and run us without us even realizing it. In this way, they offer us liberation and freedom. They return us gradually to our original state, to zero, where there are no mental tangles, memory blockages, or tangs of suffering.

Beyond this, they open us up to inspiration. According to Dr. Hew Len, we can either respond from memory, or we can respond from inspiration. Working with the four phrases opens up new insights and new inspirations that we never arrived at before by means of conscious reasoning. They increase our intuition and make us more receptive to subtle insights.

The Impact of Ho’oponopono on My Life
While this practice may appear cheesy, it truly is transformative. I was such a cynic about it at first, but as I practiced it, I gradually came to feel its benefits for myself. They are accessible to anybody. No special training is needed to do this. My experience is that working with these phrases opens us up to the deep, unspeakable love that Rumi wrote about in his poetry. My experience is that there is a love that wells up from within that isn’t interested in conceptual fantasies but embraces reality as it finds it. It is a love that helps unsnare the tangles in our minds and release the shackles of suffering. It is easy to resist love as “hippy nonsense” or “fluffy garbage” or “woo woo” superficiality. But ho’oponopono opens us up to a love far deeper than this, a love that embraces even the nastiest, most damaged parts of ourselves and our world and leaves nothing out.

Everything looks different when you see it through the eyes of this love. All of the little flaws and points of criticism that the mind obsesses over cease to appear to be problems. They, too, get swept up in the embrace of a love that encompasses the universe and excludes nothing. All of the aversions, attachments, and delusions that cause suffering in the mind are transmuted when they are burned with the fire of a love that holds without clinging. Resisting resistance only breeds more resistance; loving our resistance transforms it into acceptance.

Love the mental chains that bind you until they unlock themselves and you find yourself falling gracefully into freedom. Love is the grand opener of all, the master key of Being. Indeed, ho’oponopono has taken me out of sadness and depression and into a sense of expansive joy and peacefulness that I carry into daily life. Practicing ho’oponopono has revealed to me that I was caught up in patterns of reaction and cynical criticism that I didn’t even realize were operating… these were really subconscious programs, feedback loops running on auto-pilot in consciousness and appearing to be free will.

Honestly, there was very little love in me while I was playing out those unconscious programs. I was very closed off and I didn’t even realize it. I kept everything at an arm’s distance, far enough away to be able to criticize and laugh at it. As cheesy as this may sound, working with loving whatever pops up within me, however pleasant or unpleasant, has opened the floodgates of inner warmth within me again… honestly, it feels like a totally fresh and new way of relating to existence. I’ve fallen in love with love pure and simple again, a love I had cynically discounted before. It’s clearing out a lot of causes of suffering in my life, a lot of unnecessary shadows and mental cobwebs, and a whole lot of unconscious programs grounded in maladaptive habits and memory.

In its place, it is leaving only itself and the peace that is ever present beneath the clamor of conflict.

Conclusion: A Bold Way of Healing
This, in closing, is the way of ho’oponopono in a nutshell: not resisting or trying to ‘fix’ what comes up within us, but meeting it with a daring, bold love. Ho’oponopono says: don’t take the mind’s stories or the heart’s sorrows too seriously. Just love them all and embrace whatever arises within you, no matter how ugly, painful, terrifying, or suffering-heavy it may be. Peace and serenity will reveal themselves over time just as clouds slowly clear to reveal the golden blazing of the sun.

Ho’oponopono denies nothing and incorporates everything into its stream of processing through the four phrases. It cleans the conditioning off of everything and releases it, and us, back to zero. I am not interested in preaching this practice, nor am I trying to convince you to give it a try. That is totally up to you. All I can tell you is that it has made all the difference for me. Ho’oponopono speaks, I think, very well to a world besieged by itself, desperate, afraid, suffering, and lost. It offers us a healthy way to encounter the world and navigate through daily life, a way that brings much good both to ourselves and to everyone around us, a way of love in a world of apathy, a way of bold healing.


The entirety of this post may be found here:

Followup posts by the same author:


Here’s the vid on Dr. Len Hew :
httpv:// =OL972JihAmg

Nov 282013

“You may or may not be aware, we (humanity) are going through a major shift in consciousness, moving away from ego based reality creation to soul-centered living where we are on purpose and living our destiny. Here are 3 signs that you may be shifting!

1. Lack of desire to do, do, do. You just don’t want be so task-oriented and have a sweet desire to be more relaxed.

2. Realisation about the futility of having expectations about the way things are “supposed” to be. In fact, you start to see that what you think you thought was right-side up is actually upside down.

3. Greater understanding of those truths that you heard thousands of times before, and then one day, you actually get it in your bones. For example, the idea of “letting go, and letting God.” One day when I was holding on with a death grip to my ego’s version of Life to the point of sheer exhaustion, when the let go kind of slipped by me, and all the sudden—kapow! I had the visceral experience of what those words really meant.”

By M Casto on July 6, 2011 – read full post here

Sep 102013
September 9, 2013 BY MARCO TORRES

If you don’t see it coming, you may have been hiding in a very dark place for the last decade. The lies, deceit, fear-mongering and illusions portrayed by elite controlling entities of the world are slowly crumbling right in front of their eyes as the world is awakening. Here are 5 signs that the era of deception and duplicity is coming to an end.

5 Signs

1. Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex Has Been Exposed
Perhaps one of the biggest controlling entities of the world is the pharmaceutical industrial complex who has deceived billions for almost two centuries. Their corruption, fabrications and outright deceit has enveloped almost every nation on Earth. In the last decade alone, millions have outcasted drugs and vaccines from their circle of trust. More people are coming to discover that this powerful group of criminals will stop at nothing to sell their snake oil to the public. Over the last several years, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Novartis — and all other pharmaceutical giants, which once seemed unassailable are slowly drowning. Drug discovery jobs have disappeared by the thousands in the United States and by the hundreds in Europe as the industry has cut costs in order to adjust to what is widely perceived as the end of the blockbuster-drug era.

People are getting it. From the H1N1 scandal to HPV….from Lipitor toVioxx, the public is catching on that most modern day diseases are man-made to sell us more poison in a vicious cycle which perpetuates until our death. Research is now showing that natural health products are as effective as man-made drugs and for the first time in history, the natural health industry is aiming to amend legislation to allow physicians to include natural health products in their practice–a change that could revolutionize the allopathic treatment model.

2. The Media Is No Longer Capable of Instilling Trust
Recent polls now show that an overwhelming 80% of the population no longer trusts mainstream newscasts. From the lies and promotion of wars to our health, the mainstream media is incapable of generating any unbiased newsworthy content without corporate or government propaganda. Conan O’Brien easily revealed how mainstream media’s scripted taking points are just a farce. This happens almost everyday on any issue you can imagine, across all networks at any time. The media, as they say “is a joke” branded to program the minds of millions though manipulation and deception. But their dominion and monopoly has been thwarted by the alternative media who are now fully engaged in exposing every lie one at a time….and we are achieving great success.

3. The Conventional Food Industry is Collapsing
By observing the chess match between anti-GMO camps and Monsanto (and their lobbyists), we see a clear indication that big agriculture, biotech and the entire food industry is in turmoil. Trade agreements currently being drafted in developed nations are attempting to secure legislation dictating all GMO labeling as illegal. Resistance against GMOs are being defined as “anti-free trade practices” that governments are attempting to enforce in the form of economic sanctions against nations that attempt to ban GMOs. Labeling initiatives spawned by various groups are being exposed as controlled opposition and the true intentions and transparency of these organizations is inevitable. Food giants are being held accountable for their manufacturing processes, toxic ingredients and lack of credibility.

All of these things are sure signs that the biotech industry is losing control as the entire world is awakening to the dangers of genetically modified foods and the conventional food supply. Technology is coming forward that will soon allow on-the-spot tests for environmental toxins, GMOs, pesticides, food safety and more with their smartphones and other hand-held devices as a defiant public will stop at nothing to regain independence within the food supply.

4. The Freedom Movement Is Gaining Momentum
De facto foreign administrations of unelected industrialists, financiers, academics, military leaders along with representatives from our elected government officials have been very busy the past century implementing changes into nations who were once sovereign and free. However, they have no real authority to restrict public mobility, free trade or limit access to anything. That means that everybody is free to drive without insurance, driver’s license, license plates, free to trade any articles of exchange including vitamins, supplements, healing modalities and free to consume and ingest anything they wish without restriction. This is a right of all people born on any land, and the movement to educate millions on these issues is rising across the globe. Mass populations are starting to see the reality that there is no longer sovereignty within nations. The people of these nations have lost their ability to write their own laws, avoid arrest, injury and damage from corporations which seek to remove all the freedoms from the people.

The elite societies of the world are now petrified of the awakening of these fundamental human rights. This is the fear of every official who deems their opinion can be enforced over others through artificial laws that don’t hold any weight in the highest courts. We are now declaring those rights more than ever and every beneficiary of the corrupt system is sending the police to insist that we are in wrong and they are right. It is about knowing what absolute sovereignty truly is and embracing the power to express that right regardless of anybody else’s interpretation. Police are being held accountable for these injustices and their homes and possessions are being taken from them in the highest courts as the people fight for their rights to be free and will accept no damage by illegal enforcement (the police) in the interim.

5. The Liberation of Nature and Abolishment of All Things Toxic Is Now Inevitable
More than a dozen U.S. states have now completely decriminalized the act of possessing marijuana and both Colorado and Washington have made it legal to possess, sell, transport and cultivate the plant. But soon it may be legalized across the entire country. That is quite the 180 from the federal government’s tune in 2011 when they decreed that marijuana had no accepted medical use and should remain classified as a highly dangerous drug like heroin. Nobody has the right to criminalize or restrict anybody from possessing a plant or smoking it for that matter. The rights of people to interact with nature are being recognized on all levels and cannabis liberation is a amazing step forward.

The restoration of clean drinking water through the removal of toxic fluoride is another example of how governments can no longer contain their lies, in this case the 60-year old deception of fluoride. Almost the entire world is now coming full circle to the health consequences of poisoning the water supply with fluoride. Most developed nations, including all of Japan and 97% of western Europe, do not fluoridate their water. Israel was recently added to that list. Many communities, over the last few years, stopped fluoridation in the US, Canada, New Zealandand Australia. Recently, both Wichita, Kansas and Portland, Oregonrejected fluoridation 60% to 40%. Hamilton, NZ, councilors voted 7-1 to stop 50 years of fluoridation after councilors listened to several days of testimony from those for and against fluoridation. Windsor, Ontario, stopped 51 years of fluoridation. Sixteen regional councils have halted or rejected fluoridation in Queensland since mandatory fluoridation was dropped there in Nov. 2012.

The news is spreading and a renaissance is blooming worldwide. There is no stopping it. The potential war in Syria which has no support from the American public is a beautiful reminder that people are tuning into their own hearts and wisdom as they come to understand that war will never accomplish anything but create more war.

Get ready my friends because we are headed for an incredible ride as we pave the way for a new consciousness as we rebuild the Earth, take back our power as united and free citizens of this wonderful planet.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

Aug 162013

Chapter Three, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus

It is I, Sananda.

It has long been believed that God punishes those who do not believe in him or that those who do not accept the concept of One God will be condemned to a terrible afterlife.
Along with that belief system is often included the belief that those who do not accept me, Jesus, as their Savior will suffer a similar fate – burning in Hell, or cast out of the glory of Heaven.
I wish to state emphatically and without conditions that none of these beliefs are true.
Let me respond to each part of these familiar and pervasive beliefs.
God does not punish, and neither do I.
We see punishment as cruel, unacceptable and ineffective.
There is no place, Hell.
You create your own life and the conditions of your afterlife by your own actions and efforts during your lifetimes on Earth and elsewhere.
There is One Prime Creator, the One we refer to as The Father of Creation.
He does not require that anyone worship him/her.
He is the Creator of all Creators, the God’s God, as you might say.
He is One, and he is not male or female.
Prime Creator is the beginning and the Source of all.
He created me, and he created the one you also refer to as your personal God, the Mother/Father God who are the Creators of the Milky Way Galaxy.
They are One, and they are both male and female.
Mother/Father God have been known by many names: Yahway, Jehova, Allah, Shiva, Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet, Zorra and Saraya to name a few.
Notice that most of these names are male.
This will change, to reflect the truth of their equality.
I do not think of myself as your Savior, and I do not wish to be worshipped.
I am the one who is here to guide and oversee the Ascension of all humankind of Planet Earth.
It is my great desire to be of service, and to offer Love, comfort, healing and support to all, regardless of what religious practices they have aligned with in the past.
I see all as my Brothers and Sisters.
Mother/Father God and I, along with all humankind, designed this Earth Project which was to allow the greatest possible opportunity for growth as souls – those souls who are the children of Mother/Father God as well as others who come from other planets and galaxies to experience the challenging learning environment which is life on Planet Earth.
God is Love.
I am Love.
Compassion, Forgiveness, Hope, Harmony and Joy are Love.
When you feel and act on these feelings, you are One with Us, and We are One with You.
There is another common idea I would like to address here.
It is that what we expect of you as human beings is obedience to our Word.
Your definition of obedience carries with it the idea of subservience to another.
This is not what we wish for or desire.
Human beings on the 3-dimensional Earth plane have had free will.
Human beings are intelligent and capable of independent thought and action during their incarnation on the Earth plane in its third dimensional state.
This condition offered a special challenge.
Without knowledge of what is past or future, or what exists outside your Earthy existence, you are required to find your way to the highest level of functioning of which you are capable.
In the process, most of you also discover the connection in your hearts, which is innate in your make-up, to your Creators and to me.
We celebrate your independent growth and exploration.
We do not wish to suppress or limit your discoveries or your learning opportunities.
With this as the backdrop for your growth, we understand that all explorers will experience mistakes, mishaps, accidents and even deliberate deviations from what would serve the Greater Good.
We see that you use your mistakes to learn and to evolve to higher consciousness.
This is a many-lifetime process, and we will wait, watch and listen with patience as you work your way through trial-and-error experiences until you find your own inner guidance, which is your connection to God.
We do not interfere in your lives, even when things may go badly, or when you may indulge in what you might call criminal behavior, or destructive actions.
We are bound by our contract with you to allow you to work through your lessons throughout your lifetime until you find your answers by experiencing the consequences of those actions, either within a single lifetime, or during your afterlife review, when you see your own actions with the feelings and the eyes of those you affected.
There is no punishment for transgressions during this life.
Even murder may be understood as self-defense and therefore forgiven.
Those who have lost a connection to their hearts, who have become Dark Hats by choice and by preference are welcomed back into the fold if they should desire to be in the LIght.
If not, they may eventually be un-Created, their molecules dispersed into the All That Is, but that would be by their own choice, not ours.
Because we understand and see that your lives here in human bodies are but a moment in the experience of your life as a soul, this existence is no more important or precious than any moment in your soul development.
We value human life as a part of the Great Plan of Soul Ascension, not as an end in itself, because there is no end.
We see you as souls in Ascension, housed temporarily in the bodies you have accepted to carry you through this lifetime.
The gender, environmental conditions and challenges you were to experience here were planned by you, as your Higher Self, during your sojourn with us in higher dimensions.
In spite of our deep compassion for your difficulties, if we were to intervene to prevent the pain or difficulties you experience here, we would be breaking the first Universal Law which was laid down by Prime Creator – that of non-intervention by one in power over others.
We understand that once this lifetime is over, pain and suffering are gone, serving only as the memory/impetus for greater depth of understanding, empathy and compassion for others.
From this higher dimensional perspective, which is shared by all souls between incarnations, the greater the challenge, which may even include great pain, starvation, suffering and violent death, the more powerful the learning experience.
We understand that this higher dimensional perspective is opposed to what you feel and think during your lifetime here, and we are sympathetic to the conflict you experience when you see others suffering.
We encourage you efforts to alleviate suffering on the planet, but we have also cautioned you that individual contracts must not be interfered with.
Now, in August, 2013, because Mother Earth has ascended to the 5th dimension, and because you are expected to move with her as a group, all soul contracts which called for great challenges and difficulties are hereby suspended, provided your Higher Self is in agreement with this.
Any continuing agreements would be part of previous planning because of the unique conditions of the approaching Ascension.
It is the responsibility of each soul to assess and understand what this new freedom implies.
We admire and respect the progress a soul is able to make in the direction of feeling, seeing, thinking and knowing the Love of God during a life in 3rd dimensional reality.
Rather than obedience, which would be imposed from without, we see this as a triumph of growth – the inner-directed ability to reach a high level of consciousness while still on the lower vibrational Earth plane.
This is Universally seen as a triumph of soul development.
Because of the myriad difficulties a soul may experience in one lifetime on Earth, this Project is seen throughout the Cosmos as a highly-respected endeavor – something like the Olympics of soul growth – and a much-desired opportunity.
The privilege of being able to spend a lifetime on Earth has long been seen as a highly-prized test of one’s mettle, resilience, stamina and Faith.
We ask only that you respect your opportunity to experience life here as the gift it is, and that you use it accordingly.
We ask that you consider these words carefully; ponder them well, for in this message we give you the answer to your question: What is the meaning of Life? When you understand fully the meaning behind this Project which was of your own making, you will also know that there is no reason for complaint, no oppression of your Self by Us.
There is no reason for self-inflicted guilt for what you regret, what have done so far, because at any moment, you can turn to the Light, join with Us in Love, and you will at that moment achieve Salvation, of your own accord.
Salvation, from our perspective, means relief from delusion, Darkness, anguish and pain, and Ascension to a higher level of consciousness.
This is the goal of all souls in the Cosmos.
Join Us in Love, Peace, Compassion and Harmony, and you will know the Joy of One.
I am your Sananda, in loving service to Prime Creator and to all humankind.
Received by Kathryn E.
May, on August 8, 2013, 6 .
EDT Chapter Four, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus It is I, Sananda.
As a community of souls, we are taking part in a phenomenon that has never been tried in just this way before anywhere in the Cosmos.
You will notice how different my approach is now that I am able to talk with you about your heritage and your biological connections – the human body related connections – to your Star Brothers and Sisters.
Two thousand years ago, I could not speak so directly about these truths.
Of course I did talk with my disciples, family and friends about our star family, but all reference to these things were redacted from my teachings and those of my brothers and sisters who served with me.
There will be no secrets about the actual contacts which have been made with others from distant planets and star systems once I return to walk with you again on dear Planet Earth.
The contacts have been frequent in recent years, and there have been a number of cases where “alien” technologies were co-opted by the Dark Hats rather than being used for the good of all humankind, which had been the intention.
There have also been contacts in the past – they are not being allowed any longer – by the ones you call “grays” or Reptilians.
It was their wish to achieve a complete takeover of the planet.
Your Dark Hats on the ground who were influenced by them – those we have called “wannabe’s” – had the same inclination.
Each faction thought they could outsmart the other to gain the upper hand.
You can be assured now that their Dark machinations eventually turned back on them, insuring that no Dark faction would ever attain what they imagined.
They always underestimated the power of Light and the determination and endurance of the humans who lived and worked in the Light.
We have now overwhelmed the power structures of the Dark Hats, who have always been inclined to turn on each other when things become difficult.
This tendency alone demonstrates the greater power of the Light, for we have an inborn desire, even need, to come to the aid of those who need us.
The road has been long and arduous, but with each passing day by your Earth clock, the way is clearer, the Lightworkers are stronger, and the gathering force of Light cannot be denied.
You might call it a groundswell of Love and good will; it is lifting the tired spirits of all, bringing comfort where there was pain, soothing traumas both physical and psychological, as people awaken and acknowledge the brand new feeling of being in Love.
You are in love with yourselves, your partners and neighbors, your babies and you friends.
You see the aura of Light around those you never noticed before, as you begin to see your own.
Yes, you have been tested, as you planned to be.
In the throes of it, it is often worse than you thought it would be in your optimistic planning stages, but this is why it was so important that your Higher Selves were always there to protect you and ease the pain so that you would not give up.
In the end, nearly all of you cling to life with great tenacity, in spite of your complaints during the hard times.
No one knows this better than I.
I was aware of what was coming in my life as Jesus, and still there were moments of unbearable pain.
Like you, I felt the pain of betrayal as intensely as I felt the physical pain.
Let it be known here that Judas did not betray me; he was my most trusted, beloved friend.
He was the only one to whom I could entrust the difficult responsibility of revealing my whereabouts when the time came.
There was no one else with the strength of Faith and loyalty to me whom I knew could accomplish it without a moment’s hesitation, or any residue of regret.
Even though most of those who turned against me in the end were not close to me, it still leaves a deep feeling of abandonment to see fellow humans support an attack on one of their own species.
Any child who has been teased by a crowd at school, or who has been disowned by their family for some ideological infraction has felt this deep sense of horror and despair.
Why do we turn against our own? This is our work now, Dear Ones.
We must pull together, healing the divisions and duality which has pitted one human against another, in order to insure that this time, in the transition to the New Golden Era, no one will turn against his fellows to persecute, judge or condemn anyone.
The days of religious wars, wars of ideology based in hatred of others, and wars of greed will no longer be permitted.
War itself is never justifiable when people acknowledge they are stronger working together than they are in opposition.
You have been so steeped in the thinking of lack, competition and fear that it is no longer obvious to you that most, perhaps all the wars on the planet were deliberately instigated to profit the ones in power, and especially the ones behind the ones in power.
It was not difficult for those in power to foment discord among populations that were already oppressed, angry and hungry.
It is an old trick to set an arson’s fire in order to be the one to rush in to heroically put it out, gaining fame, fortune and allies in the process.
All these Truths will be revealed at last.
You will learn the True history of your planet, and when you do, your hearts will swell with Love for your fellow sufferers and relief that you suspected all was not what it appeared.
When you understand who truly benefitted from your prejudice, your mistrust of others and your religious conflicts, you will find it much easier to let go of the convictions which were implanted in your unsuspecting child brains without your permission.
There is no inherent human quality, suspicion, or hatred of those who appear to be superficially a bit different from one’s self.
Notice how dogs of all breeds naturally approach each other with tails wagging, how birds of all species flock together, and how easily one family of elephants, or bears, or geese will mingle and even assist one another, when their territories are not restricted in such a way as to create want.
It was not a difficult leap of intuition for leaders to understand that all they needed to do to control their “flock” was to limit their resources and inform them that it was the Immigrants, the Jews, the women, the Blacks, the Armenians or the Shiites who were to blame.
Yes, you have been the targets of massive mind- and social-control experiments.
For a time, it was somewhat successful, but always there have been some who saw through the schemes and agitated for liberty, fairness and equality.
I was one of those people, and you are too.
You are not alone.
Your numbers are growing by the day, as the mass media loses its grip to the wide-open possibilities of communicating the truth across political and social boundaries through the internet.
While the open forum of the internet invites fear-mongering and fraud, it is less controlled and therefore a better source for Truth than any of the mass media stations you have now, which have become propaganda machines for the corporations who pay their bills.
It cannot be otherwise.
Whenever money enters the mix, there is the opportunity for a misuse of power.
Now, let us address a current question in many of your minds.
What is Ascension, and when, if ever, will it occur? Most of you are familiar with the story of my Resurrection.
This was the example we wished to give you of what Ascension is.
If there are those who doubt there is an afterlife, I can assure you, it is not an afterlife; it is Life Eternal.
Each person finishes this present incarnation by going to the Light to resume the life as a soul in a lightbody which is what you might think of as your “normal” state, since this sojourn on Earth is just a short phase in your life as a soul.
This time you will not only travel to the 5th dimension, but you will be able to do so without the death of the body you are currently inhabiting, as was done in the past.
This time, you have the option to take this body with you, and to be completely healed and restored to a healthy body.
You will have the ability to make changes in the appearance, size, shape, and possibly even gender of the body you will retain once you have moved to the 5th dimension.
This may sound like magic to you, but of course magic, by your standards, does happen in higher dimensions because Creation occurs with the combination of thought and feeling, not through the manipulation of material substances with your hands, as you know it here.
This is the world you can look forward to; it is the Promised Land which has been foretold in your ancient texts, but it is better by far than anything we can put into words for you here.
The 5th dimensional world in your future truly is the place where the lion lies down with the lamb, because all creatures, human and otherwise, will be sustained with a diet of vegetable and fruit matter, and none will need or want to consume their brothers and sisters.
Weather changes will make possible a planet completely covered with lush vegetation, plentiful gardens and people and animals who are free to express the fulfillment of their souls without concern for things like money, hunger, war, or physical danger.
Communication will be telepathic, immediate and perfectly understood, and transportation over long distances will be accomplished by individual or community spacecraft.
This is not a science fiction dream; it is the current reality on many other planets in the cosmos – this and more.
Your Star Brothers and Sisters are circling your planet now, in August of 2013, to bring you their technologies, their knowledge, and their help in fulfilling the Dream of Ascension all the Cosmos awaits.
You are so loved, so respected and admired throughout the Multiverse that all eyes are turned to observe your wondrous progress in raising your vibration so that you can make the leap into the world which awaits you.
In this and future messages, I will encourage you to focus your energies on making the strong connection between the emotional centers in your brain and your heart.
This is the organization of Self which allows you to live in Pure Love, with your deep connection to Source, to me, and to your Higher Self, which is the part of your soul which remains in higher dimensions at One with God.
You are the Creator Race, made in the likeness of your Creator.
This does not mean you are completely identical to Creator; it means that in your progress toward Enlightenment (literally, embodying Light) you grow ever closer to the perfection of One.
We are all moving toward that glorious finale – the becoming One with our Creator.
In the course of your growth you have come closer to Us, more able to hear Us speak to you, in your dreams, in your moments of reverie, and now, through these messages.
It has speeded the trajectory of your progress, and it now makes it possible for Us to reach everyone on the planet.
Awaken, Dear Ones.
Put down your instruments of slavery to your jobs.
Look around you at the beauty you have missed in the eyes of children, in the glowing sunsets and the sparkling dawns.
Your Mother Earth is cleansing herself; you are being protected from all nuclear dangers and toxic pollution.
The era of the destruction of the planet and of the slavery of all humankind is now over.
There will be no more wars, no more mass genocides or catastrophic loss of life, as long as you continue to ascend with your dear planet.
She has already left the realm of Death, to be reborn and renewed.
She is pacing her transition to continue to help you, to sustain and provide for you.
Begin with the knowledge that all living things are conscious beings; every animal, vegetable and mineral is made up of the consciousness of Creator.
You, as part of the Creation of All Things, have a living relationship to all those conscious beings around you and throughout the Cosmos, whether you acknowledge it or not.
Mother Earth is filled with Love for her children, just as We are.
Mother/Father God stand with you in Love and Light, to urge you forward into the most exhilarating, triumphant Right of Passage ever known.
No soul will be left behind; no Child of God will be ignored or passed over.
Each and every one has worth, and all are honored equally.
Arise, Children of Earth.
It is truly time to meet your Maker(s), and you will be delighted to learn how loving, compassionate, forgiving and good-humored they are.
You can listen to Mother/Father God speaking to listeners and to each other on the historic radio recording which you will find on
The archive is available to all, under the date August 10, 2013.
You will be amazed and delighted to join in the conversation.
We wish to know you, to speak with you, and to listen to your voice, in the company of your loving brothers and sisters in spirit, the family of your hearts.
I will join you on these calls as well.
Until the next time, I am your Sananda, the one you have known as Jesus.
Transcribed through Kathryn E.
May, August 10, 6 pm EDT Permission to translate must be requested through the channel, and approved by the official translators for Sananda’s New Scriptures.
Chapter Six, The New Scriptures and Written by Sananda I am Sananda.
Today is a historic time.
By today I do not mean this date; I mean this week/month/moment.
You are involved in a project which has been unfolding for thousands of years.
Many have asked: “But we are just a small planet out here in the Milky Way Galaxy.
There are trillions of others.
What makes us so special that the whole Universe is paying attention?” This is a good question.
It is true we are a small part of the whole in terms of size, but this is not an important measure in cosmic terms.
I will tell you why.
All the Multiverse is connected.
All is One, therefore anything that happens anywhere, in any dimension, along any timeline, has a ripple effect on all other beings and events, and can change the trajectory of a timeline for other beings and planets as well.
We are so interconnected that a decision made on Sagittarius has mental power on Earth, and so on.
The reason Earth is so important at this moment on this timeline is many-fold.
I will try to give you an idea of the variables which are so important.
Earth-dwelling humans are known for their combination of mind and emotion which gives great power to their ability to create.
You are learning about manifesting what you want, and the application of the Universal Law that nothing can be created or destroyed, but only transmuted.
You as the I AM Presence, God, have the power to change everything you touch, everything you think about, with the power of your minds, as God has.
You have been like toddlers playing with fire – you had no idea of the effect of your actions on your planet and the conscious beings around you.
Now the Veil, which has kept you from seeing your past and your place in the Universe, is lifting for most of you.
You are beginning to notice that your knowledge of the world around you is expanding; you may feel yourselves becoming more telepathic, more aware in every way.
This is helping you to restore you connections to yourself as the sacred being you are, to your Higher Self, and to Us.
Yes, you are sacred beings, because you were created by God.
Everyone around you is sacred too.
Your planet, your flora and fauna, even the rocks and soil under your feet – all are sacred forms of Life, a part of the whole formed by the Godhead.
You are the creation made in the image of Mother/Father God, as the ancient teachings tell you.
This is not a whimsical description; it is Truth.
The sum total of all beings on Earth is God; every part of that whole is God.
I am God, and so are you.
It has been decreed throughout the millennia that you would one day rise to fulfill this promise of creative power in Love and Light, for that is God.
You have been tested intensively because the training to become a God-in-action is a serious responsibility.
This is why the Earth Project was designed.
It was to be the proving ground for souls.
Nothing is more important in the training of a soul than to learn to fully accept and acknowledge the power of one’s ability to create and therefore the importance of learning to be in full command of that power.
There must be no lapses, no forgetfulness, no denial of the nature of that power to uplift or destroy in the blink of an eye.
This lesson is indeed a difficult one.
It takes hundreds of lifetimes to truly absorb the deeper meaning of how ones’ actions are felt by others.
This has been your path, to learn, to experience all kinds of lifetimes, and to internalize the Truth of your nature and your responsibility to use your power judiciously and only for the Greater Good.
You will know if you are well prepared for the higher dimensions when you carefully examine your response to the words you are reading here.
Are you disbelieving? Are you scoffing at the idea that you have great power, listing in your mind all the seeming evidence of your own powerlessness and helplessness to have an impact on your own life? You are showing yourself, Beloved One, that you have not learned the lesson of One.
You are not seeing, therefore you cannot see the evidence that is before you.
The remedy to this common ailment, human blindness, is to breathe in the air of Source, feel your own life force coursing through your veins, and shake off the fogginess of sleep.
It is time for you to awaken your heartmind, for it is the source of wisdom, Vision, and Truth.
You have been trained to think only with your brains, even to ignore the voice of your heartmind in favor of playing with ideas inside your skull.
This is blindness.
Those ideas inside your brain were put there by someone in your environment, in your culture, your religion or your family.
Many were put there by the cabal to control and enslave you.
They are not your own.
At this time in your development, and given that you have these new lessons to help you make this transition, it is willful blindness to rely on your brain ideas to guide your life decisions.
Look inward, Dear Ones, to activate and energize the Source which is within you.
These bodies you have been given for this journey are the expression in the flesh of God’s wisdom, compassion and Love.
You do feel pain; it is the corrective response which stops you in your tracks to alert you that you must protect your sacred self.
You feel great joy, exhilaration and fulfillment when you move into the Light.
You are capable of great Love, and when you allow that blessed emotion to guide your every moment, you will feel the bliss of being One with me and with our Creator.
No external difficulty or challenge can break that bond once you have taken it as your own.
You have free will.
You can turn your back on the dawning wonder of Ascension.
You can clutch your belongings and the ideas and concepts you were taught, holding onto the past because it is supposedly all you know.
Yes, in your brain, it may be all you know, but in your body, in your heart, in the chakras which make up your complex system of responses to this lifetime, you carry the wisdom of the Ages.
Open your mind (the eternal knowing which transcends this present brain), and allow the flow of Light and Love to wash over you.
The Source of All That Is is Love.
You only need to allow yourself to open to it, and it will sooth and heal your sore heart, and mend the body which has been so damaged by the toxins of a life steeped in Darkness.
Many of you are aware of the healing sessions which we have asked our channel, Kathryn, to conduct through the internet.
Many have come to be healed, and many more have offered to join in the offering of healing energy to heal their brothers and sisters.
Look, Beloved Ones.
Just look at the numbers, since you enjoy statistics so much.
There are nearly two healers for every healing request.
Every day someone contacts Kathryn to say, “Put me down further on the list so you can attend to someone else’s needs.
I am feeling better.” You see, day by day we are proving “the power of intention.” If your intention is to heal and be healed, it will be done.
In the process, you have proven to the doubters that humankind is indeed a generous and caring race.
Our team of healers includes Mother/Father God, St.
Germain, Archangels Michael and Raphael, Mother Mary, the blessed team of Arcturian healers, and I, Sananda.
Many others from higher dimensions come to assist each individual, including of course their Higher Self.
Kathryn serves as one of the healers and also as the narrator who describes the healing process and the importance of the mental/heartmind connection which makes the healing possible.
We focus on one individual at a time, but as that person is being healed, others listening who may have symptoms are also receiving the powerful energies.
In this way, the healers as well as the patients are being healed.
We have recorded the healings on for all the world to listen, learn and be healed along with us.
We recommend especially the last three sessions in which Kathryn explains the effect of emotion on the body.
They were held on August 8, 9 and13, 2013.
It is our hope that doctors of all modalities, and those who are healers will come to expand their knowledge and skills.
We will change the world, one healing at a time.
At the same time, we are demonstrating that there is really no such thing as one healing, because as each healing takes place, the “sickness” that individual carried loses its power, and others learn to shake off the ideas and feelings which served to feed and maintain the illness they have been carrying.
The Arcturians, for those who are not familiar with this name, are a highly evolved and extremely skilled group of beings from the planet Arcturus who have studied humankind closely.
They have been fascinated with the heartmind organization in this species of humans and have worked hard to understand the complex interactions between emotion and thinking.
They have developed very advanced and effective technologies to eliminate disease and to balance all the systems of the body.
They are completely dedicated to their work, and they give themselves wholeheartedly in service.
We work in cooperation with them, directing the healing energies of Love and Light to increase the healing and to seal it in place.
Each one who receives a healing or who listens to it being done will feel the powerful effect of our combined energies on all the systems of the body.
Our numbers are growing.
As each person joins the group, the power of One increases, giving us access to an increasing flow of Light which we then focus to activate the healing.
A large part of this process is to stimulate and awaken the powerful human immune system, which has been asleep and suppressed by the owners of these bodies who are entirely unaware of their own abilities to heal themselves.
This, of course, has been a part of the control mechanism of the Dark Hats.
The medical establishment has unwittingly played into this by encouraging people to think they are at the mercy of illness and disease and need a professional to do something external to themselves to “cure” them.
As we have emphasized on the call, no one can cure you but yourself.
We can guide, support and focus the energy needed to change the body from disease to health, but without the conscious awareness and cooperation of the one being healed, it will not ”take.” You can restore the feelings of sickness and helplessness and can defeat the healing process if you are not aware of this tendency in yourself to slide back into a state of Darkness.
Healing requires that you raise your vibration into the 5th dimension.
Ascended Masters, Gods and Goddesses, angels and Enlightened Beings of all kinds do not get sick because they are vibrating at a level which does not allow for any foreign influence to enter the Lightbody.
You can do the same.
You know me as the one who went out among the people to heal.
I am that same person, the one you knew as Jesus.
I am now able to teach, through the wide reach of the internet and through Kathryn’s narration, the healing principles which made my healing efforts so effective in my days on Earth.
I invite all to join us in this historic process.
Our intention is to heal all of humankind, immediately.
The energies have risen on the planet to allow a higher level of conscious awareness and a complete communication through the Golden Christ Grid around the planet which now connects us all.
There is no limit to the number of people who can listen to the programs through their computers, and the knowledge which is presented here can be carried to every corner of the planet.
You can listen to the programs and join in without announcing yourself (you will be counted by the BlogTalkRadio website), or you can go to and SIGN UP to be included in mailings and updates to alert you when our sessions are being held.
Please do not send 10,000 personal email questions asking Kathryn how to do this.
The instructions, schedules and explanations are there for you to read and explore.
I am not able to help her answer them all.
We vary the days and times to accommodate people in all countries and time zones, although as yet we have only the English version of the programs.
Translations of these messages are now being done in most of the major languages of the world.
I only ask that all translators ask for my individual approval.
I will work with each translator I have personally approved to insure the accuracy of meaning and intent of each message, so that all can enjoy being a member of the community of souls in service to the Greater Good.
Now, this brings me to the question of false divisions which have been created by the rigid practice of dogma as it is passed down by individuals over the ages.
They have often misinterpreted and changed the teachings of the Enlightened Ones whose words were originally intended to illuminate and expand the hearts and minds of their followers.
This is the difficulty we have always seen in giving written teachings to humankind.
Words that were intended to uplift in a given situation, in a given time and place become over time hardened into a set of rules which suffocate and oppress all.
The example of the teachings of Mohammed, the great prophet, are another example of this tendency.
His words have been taken as permanent Law.
This was not his intention.
In his Earth incarnation, he had no idea of the power his words would carry centuries later.
Every nuance, every suggestion has been taken as the Final Word.
This was not his intention, nor was it the spirit of his work here.
Mohammed came to Earth at a time of terrible oppression and abuse.
It was his wish to begin to free his followers from the suffocating practices of his time.
Chief among these were the abuse of women and the lack of attention to spiritual practice.
It was not his intention to institutionalize practices which would denigrate or disenfranchise women.
In his day, the idea that women could have at least half the value of men in legal terms was a tremendous leap, but it was not intended to be the end of progress.
By freezing his teachings in time, the Dark Ones have used his words to oppress and destroy, as many of the Christian teachings about the Devil and sin have been used.
Mohammed was the human incarnation of my beloved brother, the Master Lord El Morya.
His incarnation was fully overlighted by me and by others of the Legions of Light.
Like me, he did not see himself as the exclusive Messenger of God, and he did not wish to be worshipped.
He is as dismayed as I was to see his words used to foment hatred, divisiveness and war, against the followers of his brother Jesus or any other Masters.
We are One in our wish to bring change, to open hearts and minds to the New Scriptures which are the work of All, channeled through my voice to the entire world.
My dear brother Mohammed is here working with me, and he too approves the message of Love and LIght we present to you now.
The great success of Mohammed/El Morya’s teachings was his ability to refocus the attention of the people to include spiritual practices into their daily lives.
The institution of the ritual of prayer five times a day broke the materialistic, self-centered focus of the people of the time and helped to raise their consciousness in preparation for the events we are experiencing now.
Muslims who fully understand the expansiveness and the message of Love which Mohammed intended to express will find no conflict in the words you read here.
The same is true for all Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian and Pagan followers.
We who are at One with the GodHead are One in our hearts as well.
We all wish the same thing: the successful and glorious Ascension of humankind, together.
As you can see if you have read these messages well, we are not specifying any particular rules, practices or customs (religion) to reach the intended goal of Ascension.
The time for those time- and culture-specific practices is past.
We are now a global community, and we need an open and inclusive approach to lifting our vibration to achieve the goal of peace for every being on Earth, regardless of what religious affiliation they may have adopted, or even what species they may be.
All are welcome, all are included.
There are no exceptions; there are no exclusions.
All souls must be enfolded into the family of One, as the sacred Beings they are.
I send you Love and LIght, the adoration of your Creators, and the hope of all the Masters in Heaven when I say to you: Awaken Dear Ones, and take your places as the Creator Race, the promise of all Goodness in the image of your Creator.

I am Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May
August 14, 2013, 2 pm.


 Posted by at 12:29 pm
Aug 162013

Chapter Two, The New Scriptures as Written by Sananda/Jesus

Today is the second day of a new time for Planet Earth.

It is a time of change, a time to leave behind old ideas, no matter how precious they may be to you.
I regret that I am now in the position of having to revise the religion that was established in my name, but the misinterpretations of my teachings are so rampant that I must set the record straight.
Wouldn’t you want to do the same if you knew you were misquoted so frequently and so deliberately that it changed the message that had been the work of your heart and soul? It is not a matter of pride for me.
It is a matter of Truth.
Mother/Father God and I worked with Prime Creator for eons developing the plan for Planet Earth.
Our Dream of the Blue Planet was always that she would descend into lower vibrations, to create a heavy, 3D world for humankind to experience with free will.
Of course the only way to experience free will is behind the Veil of Forgetfulness, since that is the only way you can feel the separateness from the Universal Laws.
Your senses suggest to you that things “happen� independent of one another, and you feel dissociated from the cause and effect dynamic which is so obvious to us in higher dimensions.
The fruition of the Dream was to be the day (in cosmic terms, of course) when she would rise again to the 5th dimension and beyond, in triumph with her beloved family of humans, animals, plants and other sentient beings rising along with her in a glorious Ascension which would lift the entire cosmos along with her.
Yes, it was what we foresaw, and what we expect to see now.
Our faith in humankind has not been misplaced.
Even though the Dark Ones slowed the process by creating havoc with the thinking and feelings of the people, humankind has shown the resilience and true nature of the Adamic race – your ability to sense what is fair, right, just and true.
You do it with your sturdy hearts and your far-ranging minds, and you also cannot but turn to some form of Faith when you feel yourselves slipping.
You are built for flexibility, courage and determination.
These are qualities which are such a powerful foundation for your Creativity.
You see yourselves as chaotic, unable to control your emotions and your thoughts, at the mercy of your instincts.
We see brilliance, lacking only the skilled coaching which will raise you to levels of intelligence and command which will bring you to the level you were created for.
This is the purpose of these messages: to help you raise your level of operating in your everyday lives to the point where you will now be able to ascend with your dear Mother Earth in the very near future – and by that we mean weeks or months, not eons.
Many of you are ready now, but the promise of Ascension we all made to each other long ago in the Dreaming time was that all would come together to create the most wonderful, joyous uplifting of hearts which would carry every one over the threshold into the 5th dimension at the same time.
Now, by everyone at once we did not necessarily mean in the same exact moment.
You will each make your Shift when you feel ready.
Some have been preparing for years, and will sail through on the first wave because they are fully informed of the discipline and elevation needed to make the transition.
Others will take a few more weeks or months to acclimate to the idea that their entire lives are going to change, regardless of whether they hang on for dear life to their old familiar ways or not.
And of course, the old familiar ways for many are steeped in religious tradition.
It has been an area of conflict across the globe – one religion against another, and each claiming to be the One True Word of God.
Dear friends, I can tell you now, with complete confidence, that there is no one true religion at this time on Planet Earth.
There are many truths and many falsehoods in every religion, from Christianity to Islam, from Buddhism to Hindu to the tribal belief systems of the most remote forests and mountains (although some of those come close to Truth in their simple acceptance of God in themselves and in every living thing).
I hope to do a better job this time of recording my own words for all to read, and to express the lessons directly and simply, as it is your habit of doing now in the 21st Century.
I do love to use parables and living examples when I tell of the lessons I wish to pass on to you now, but I will limit my descriptions to the common, everyday events you all experience now, as I did 2,000 years ago.
Much has changed, and the descriptions and the language has taken on very different nuances from what it was then.
This revision is long overdue.
Today, it is possible to write these words with the help of my friend, Lady Portia, and to send them out to the world electronically, with the expectation that within a week or two, millions of people will be reading them.
This is the reason I ask that no alteration be made to the text, and that translations be authorized personally by me.
These ideas are difficult enough to get across without well-meaning reinterpretation or inaccurate translation.
With that international, multilingual audience in mind, I will begin with the most basic teachings first, because those are the ones which have been so misunderstood in the old Scriptures.
I have chosen to present these teachings after nearly two years of previous messages and conversations with Mother/Father God because I now have the advantage of their words having set the tone for me to follow.
In that way, their words provide an important context for offering my simple lessons.
Lesson One stated that All is One.
All consciousness is connected, therefore all beings are connected to each other and to God.
This is true not only for Earth, but also for all the far-flung beings, planets and stars of the Cosmos.
All is One.
All is God.
Now, in Lesson Two I will explain the relationship you have known as The Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Prime Creator holds the place at the top of the Pyramid which is the Trinity.
S/he is the Creator of All Creators, the Beginning of all Beginnings and the Source of All.
I, Sananda am the Son of Prime Creator.
I will now revise that to include my Twin Flame, Lady Nada, who is the other half of my soul, the glaring missing link in the story.
Mother/Father God, the Twin Flames of Life Created in the Milky Way Galaxy, combined make up the Holy Spirit.
The patriarchal description of the Story of Creation left out the ones who give birth – the Mother who is an essential part of the process, just as she is among humankind.
The original tendency to name only the men, their exploits and their strengths, gave an entirely distorted picture of the value of women in the life and governance of the Planet.
I will try to begin to right that wrong in these writings.
Contrary to the teachings in the Bible, Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute or a fallen woman of any kind.
She was a strong and intelligent woman of great dignity.
She was my beloved wife and the mother of our daughter, Sarah.
The degraded depiction of her was the beginning of the degradation of women which would last until the present, with some small process being made in the West during the last 120 years or so.
Mary Magdalene, heart of my heart, soul of my soul, and Love of my Life, would have been the model for strong and righteous women through all these years.
Instead, the group of men who compiled the stories for the Bible three hundred years after my death, made the conscious decision to wipe her existence out of the minds of the people, and for all intents they succeeded.
By separating us, and creating a picture of me as a celibate, unattached single man, they told a lie which deprived the people of the truth – that I was a loving and devoted husband and father.
It was the beginning of what came to be known as the War of the Sexes.
For us, there was no war.
There was a strong and intimate equal partnership based on mutual respect and enduring Love which sustained me during my life challenges as much as did the love of my devoted Mother, Father, and my extended family.
It was this picture of strength through family love that they wished to eradicate, for it is the basis of a culture of happy and independent people.
Individuals who form strong, supportive family/community structures are less vulnerable and less dependent on outside resources, like government and religious institutions, and therefore less easily controlled, and less tempted by promises of power or material indulgence.Following the Biblical rewrite of my life, the Big Lie left everyone confused and uncertain about what their primary relationships should be.
Relationships between men and women, women and their children, and men and their children were all redefined and distorted.
Does being of service to God mean you must be celibate, separate and alienated from the opposite sex? Certainly not.
The appeal of a solitary life is strictly a personal choice.
Does it mean an attraction to an adult of the same sex puts you at risk for disapproval and punishment from God? Absolutely not.
Your choice of lifestyle, in terms of who your intimate partnerships are, has nothing to do with your devotion to God, except in the quality of the Love you share and the Compassion, Kindness and Forgiveness you practice in your interactions with them.
Instead of turning to each other for comfort, nurturing and friendship, within the close family relationships which so inspire us to feel the glory and presence of our Loving God, people were asked to turn instead to a priest or minister for forgiveness, guidance and solace.
This created a power structure in which the institution of the Church (any church) and its doctrine becomes the authority over the people, and carries the right and responsibility to interpret God’s Word and God’s Will for the people.
This was never God’s intention or mine.
I suggest the elimination of all religious structures, other than perhaps a gathering place in which people may share in celebration and fun, in the conscious joy of being in God’s loving embrace.
I also suggest the elimination of all doctrine, dogma and rules.
The only guidelines we need are those included in the simple Lessons I am presenting here, to live in Kindness, Harmony, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion and Joy.
Love expands the heart and mind and brings joy to all who experience it.
If it does not have that effect, it is not Love; it is something else masquerading as love.
God is Love.
Prime Creator is Love, and this is our highest example of Unending Love.
Mother/Father God are Love, individually and together.
This leaves no room for judgment, vindictiveness or blame.
God does not punish.
Only humans under the influence of Dark Energies are interested in talking about, thinking about and envisioning punishment and suffering for so-called “sins.� God does not even consider such things.
I do not teach or encourage such thinking.We know that oppression breeds anger, and tends to create competition and conflict between and among the people.
We are confident that, taken out from under the yoke of economic, religious and political slavery, relieved of imposed guilt, shame and it resultant resentment, free men and women will begin to experience themselves as the kind and loving race of Creator Beings they are capable of being.Our intention is to show the way to an end to divisiveness, duality, separation and alienation.
Its replacement will be Generosity of Spirit, Kindness, Acceptance, Friendship, and Service to Others – all others, and to the Planet which has been your loving Mother.
I am Love.
I am your Sananda, the one who has given my life in service for the enlightenment of humankind, for all humankind is created in the image of God, and it is my Path to demonstrate and teach the True Way, the way of Love so that every human being may discover that You Are God.

You are Light, and you are Love.

This is the end of Lesson Two.

We are One.



 Posted by at 12:27 pm