Nov 282013

“You may or may not be aware, we (humanity) are going through a major shift in consciousness, moving away from ego based reality creation to soul-centered living where we are on purpose and living our destiny. Here are 3 signs that you may be shifting!

1. Lack of desire to do, do, do. You just don’t want be so task-oriented and have a sweet desire to be more relaxed.

2. Realisation about the futility of having expectations about the way things are “supposed” to be. In fact, you start to see that what you think you thought was right-side up is actually upside down.

3. Greater understanding of those truths that you heard thousands of times before, and then one day, you actually get it in your bones. For example, the idea of “letting go, and letting God.” One day when I was holding on with a death grip to my ego’s version of Life to the point of sheer exhaustion, when the let go kind of slipped by me, and all the sudden—kapow! I had the visceral experience of what those words really meant.”

By M Casto on July 6, 2011 – read full post here

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